Black To My Roots; African American Tales from the Head and the Heart
Stay tuned for exciting news and upcoming performances of this Award-winning play by Kathya Alexander and Reneschia Brown, directed by Tyrone Brown, NxtThrsdy LLC

ajusticenetwork is proud to welcome R&B Singer/Songwriter Ayana to our network! We are currently collaborating on a music video for Ayana’s single, Stand Up; a call to action, empowering women around the world to give voice to struggle and pain with the hope of reminding people that they’re not alone and that the power is in our hands.
ajusticenetwork will be choreographing and filming with Ayana in Mexico next month, working with Bezares Producciones, Alessandro Anvar, and Director Mario Oliver.
National Water Dance Livestream
Splinter participated in National Water Dance, with KSD Dance and an entire online community of movers and activists! Check out our FB page to see the recorded live-streamed performances, featuring incredible original music by Eric Harper.

- Global Water Dances with Karin Stevens Dance (KSD)
- Bollywaack Workshop with Kumari Suraj, co-hosted with Afsaana Dance
- Sea Change Within Us; National Water Dance Day w/ Karin Stevens Dance (KSD)
2017 and 2018
- Collaborations w/ Afsaana Dance Company to host classes, workshops and performances for visiting Bollywood choreographer, Dhawal Doshi!