Splinter and ajusticenetwork offer personalized mentorships and community outreach programs. Please contact us for details.
Big Picture School Mentorship

The Splinter Project
The Splinter Project was formed five years ago after teachers at Aspire Academy in Sequim were inspired by a Splinter Dance Company performance. The teachers felt a real connection to the messages portrayed and wanted that experience for their students. They began a relationship with Splinter and established The Splinter Project. Students at Aspire Academy age 11+ audition every year to become a part of this performance group. Splinter company members inspire and mentor the students by travelling to Sequim once a month and giving day-long workshops. Like Splinter Dance Company, they perform pieces about social issues that affect them as young girls. The Splinter Project periodically performs with Splinter Dance Company as well as on their own in Seattle and locally. Current Artistic Director and choreographer is Naomi Alstrup.