Diversity Dance Workshop Reunion Dates Set – July 10-12th, 2015 – SEATTLE, WA

IT’S OFFICIAL. Date is set and venue is secure for the 2015 DDW Reunion. All information will be sent later this month. Looking forward to seeing you all here, so start booking your flights to Seattle, WA!

JULY 10TH Designated arrivals date
JULY 11TH Reunion Celebration
JULY 12TH Departures (unless you all want to stay forever).

In previous info blasts, we had a significant amount of interested attendees and had to locate a larger venue. Let’s make this amazing, and would love to see you all.

Our planning committee will be busy in the coming months to pull everything together. It’s been a long time comin’!

The DDW Reunion will also be open to friends, supporters, and past hosts who have been a part of this amazing company in its many years of growth!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me directly at justice@ajusticenetwork.org, but keep in mind more informational material will be sent out and posted here by our planning committee later this month.

See you all soon!
(feel free to share this with anyone you feel might like to come, as well as those who are not on this page yet).

DDW Planning Committee