GiveBIG is HERE!

Dear Friends and Supporters,
It’s here! ajusticenetwork and Splinter Dance invite you to participate in our annual fundraising campaign. We value your support year-after-year and encourage you to get involved today to help us grow and continue our work in the community! If you’ve thought about giving in the past, this is your opportunity to jump in, big or small.
We are passionate about the work that we do in the community and we know you are too. Tackling social issues and encouraging discourse and healing through the performing arts, we provide opportunities for dancers and audience members to get inspired and get involved.
Your financial gift to ajusticenetwork and Splinter Dance is an opportunity to become part of the solution. Operating costs and rehearsal space are our biggest expenses, and our goal beyond the bare necessities this year, is to raise funds to self-produce an evening length performance! We have tons of new ideas and work to share, and need your help to get it to the stage. We’d love to keep ticket prices low to make it widely accessible, so we’re setting our goal for this year’s GiveBIG at 5k!
Join us in making it happen – every little bit counts BIG!
Stay inspired,
Justice, Robin, Ali, Amanda, Annalise, Brian, Carolyn, Denise, Katrina, Lisa, Nasim, Tameka, and Thomas.