New Year Lift Off – Performance for Pitch+Roll Productions/Yaw Theater

Saturday, January 19th, 2019

7:30pm @ Yaw Theater; Seattle, WA


January can be a tough month-long, cold nights, and post-holiday blues…but wait! We are here to help!

Come get dressed up and celebrate the new nonprofit in the neighborhood!
The New Year Lift Off is an evening of dance and delights to benefit the new nonprofit, Pitch+Roll Productions, dedicated to bringing more opportunities for choreographers and dancers to the Seattle community.

Come see performances by Jerboa DanceThe Guild Dance Company3SD2HYPERNOVA, Band Practice|Christin Call and Noel Kennon, Intrepidus, Gayle Staker, Alana O. Rogers Dance Co., Splinter Dance Company, Warren Woo, Forthun+Rome, and more! Enjoy a cocktail, eat a snack, and relax to some live music!  In partnership with Yaw Theater.