National Water Dance – April 23, 2022 @ Greenlake, WA

Please join Splinter on APRIL 23rd for National Water Dance with Karin Stevens Dance at Green Lake to dance or walk (and hold a sign you make) to raise awareness for the removal of the the Snake River Dams, to stand with tribes, and save our salmon and orcas. We will meet before 1pm (12:30 for dancers) near the SW boat launch area, and commence to move around the Greenlake path at 1pm

Live Stream can be found HERE and will begin at 1pm.

Give Governor Inslee and Senator Murray a call or email. And join us on April 23rd to encourage others to do the same. Fliers with more information about how to get involved will be provided at the event! Visit “events” at KSD website to learn more and join us!…/dance-or-walk-to…